Histamine Intolerance eBook | Your Guide to Managing Histamine Intolerance Symptoms with The IBS Dietitian

Histamine intolerance 
eBook guide

How to diagnose and control histamine intolerance

Get clarity on 
your diagnosis 
and why typical 
IBS treatments are not working

You get that initial ‘IBS’ diagnosis, you think great, finally something I can deal with. BUT nothing seems to work

You feel…

Frustrated that for all your efforts, you are getting zero symptom relief.

Anxious about eating.

Alone with your condition as no one seems to be able to help.

But part of you also realises, there must be an explanation for your symptoms.

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Enter histamine intolerance

Histamine intolerance is when your body is unable to break down histamine. You can read more about the condition in our histamine intolerance blog post here.

The symptoms of a histamine intolerance are similar to IBS but they may also include sinus type problems or itchy skin. Sounding familiar yet?

Sadly, there is no test for histamine intolerance so it is highly likely your ‘IBS’ could be histamine tolerance this is why all your efforts are not getting you anywhere.

The information online about histamine intolerance is vague and confusing. There are many people giving incorrect advice online and the initial diet itself is restrictive.

woman itching arm

The histamine intolerance eBook

We have produced this clear and scientifically accurate Histamine Intolerance E Book Guide.

This guide takes you from where you are now: failing at trying to solve your ‘IBS’ to having a clear histamine intolerance diagnosis with knowledge on how to control the condition.

The Histamine Ebook

What’s inside?

  • 56 page guide
  • What is histamine intolerance?
  • How to get a diagnosis
  • How to identify your histamine tolerance
  • Use of histamine enzymes
  • Low histamine meal plan
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