The Dietitian's IBS Course
Can you relate?
A patient comes to see you for IBS support. They explain the long journey they have taken to get this diagnosis and how they have pinned all their hopes on working with you. You diligently explain the low FODMAP diet and hand them a lovely diet sheet with a smile. BUT inside you don’t feel 100% confident about what you are doing.
What will you do when the diet doesn’t work? What if they don’t actually have IBS? Are you confident in advising on IBS medications? IBS impacts 1 in 10 people so it will be involved in most dietitian’s caseloads, whether you are a gastro specialist or not.
Traditional training focuses heavily on the low FODMAP process, but doesn’t really cover the multifactorial nature of IBS. Imagine if your IBS patient came in and your were the one to confidently guide them to a place where they were able to manage their chronic health condition. Your impact would be life changing.
If this sounds like the sort of dietitian you want to be then read on….

Why should you choose this course?
Evidence based
All advice is based on the latest research, medical guidelines and GI practise organisation guidelines. You will also be shown how to critique these for your own practise.
At every point you will provided with practical guidance on how to implement advice from solutions for overcoming patient barriers to how to conduct your consultations.

Lifetime access
Science is always changing. This course will be updated accordingly and you will always have access to that without a new payment.
CEU Credits
This course is USA accredited for 8.25 CEU points.
About us

Kirsten Jackson
RD BSc Hons PG Cert
Kirsten Jackson is a UK registered Consultant Gastroenterology dietitian. After graduating from The University of Hertfordshire in 2012, Kirsten has gone on to open an online IBS clinic helping 1000’s of people around the world. Kirsten is also an expert advisor to The IBS Network and represents The British Dietetic Association as an official media spokesperson. You can learn more about Kirsten on her Instagram page @the.ibsdietitian or listen to her podcast ‘Take Control’

Andrea Hardy
RD BSc Hons
Andrea Hardy is a registered dietitian from Calgary, Canada where she runs a multi-disciplinary digestive health practice called Ignite Nutrition. She specializes in gut health & gastrointestinal diseases and is recognized in the media as Canada’s Gut Health Expert. She is passionate about translating science into ‘easy to digest’ information to support a healthy gut. She has spoken on the TEDx stage, as well as internationally about digestive health. Follow her on Instagram at @andreahardyrd or tune into her gut health podcast ‘Let’s Gut Real’ which is all about making nutrition science easy to digest!
Course overview
An evidenced based AND practical programme to help dietitians support their IBS patients. Designed by dietitians for dietitians
1. An Introduction to IBS
Giving you an overview of what IBS is and our role as a dietitian in helping patients manage this condition.
- What is IBS?
- IBS pathogenesis and diagnosis
- Dietitian assessment
- The Role of a dietitian in IBS
- Managing patient expectations
- Appointment structure and delivery
2. IBS and Lifestyle
By the end this section you will understand how to assess and modify sleep, movement and mental wellbeing to optimise your patient’s gut health.
- The gut-brain axis
- Mental health disorders and therapies
- Exercise and IBS
- The connection between sleep and the gut
- How to optimise and assess your patients sleep and exercise
3. IBS and Nutrition
This section covers all aspects of nutrition so that you can help your patient manage their IBS symptoms AND improve their longer-term gut health.
- Assessing diet quality
- The importance of a plant based diet for the gut
- Overcoming barriers for your patients
- Dietary drugs: alcohol and caffeine
- The different types of fibre
- How to choose the correct fibre based on symptoms
- Creating fibre specific goals for IBS patients
- Fat and the Gastro-Colic Reflex
- Mastication
4. The Low FODMAP Diet
This section covers the low FODMAP diet process from both the scientific background and the practical implementation.
- Low FODMAP diet overview
- Predicting response?
- The low FODMAP restriction phase
- Fructose loading
- Lactose intolerance
- FODMAP stacking
- The low FODMAP diet reintroduction phase
- The personalisation phase
- Support vegan patients
- Cultural considerations
- What to do when the low FODMAP diet fails?
- Common mistakes
- Eating out
- Helpful tools
5. Beyond Diet
Crucial Knowledge All RD’s need to have to support patients with IBS including:- Supplements and IBS
- Understanding the role of pharmacological treatment in IBS
- A deep dive into differential diagnoses including:
- Bile acid diarrhea
- Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency
- Microscopic colitis
- Pelvic floor disorders
- IgE & non-IgE Mediated Allergies
- Endometriosis & IBS
- Non-Celiac Wheat Sensitivity
- Histamine Intolerance
- Mast Cell Activation Syndrome
- Food chemical sensitivities
- Congenital Sucrase Isomaltase Deficiency
- Understanding eating disorders & disordered eating in IBS
The Dietitian's IBS Course
The Dietitian’s IBS Course
Is this course right for me?
This program is designed for registered dietitians working with IBS patients in any capacity. You do not need to have prior knowledge or training in this area as we will cover all elements and guide you on knowing where your own limitations are.
Can the course be accessed anywhere?
Is the course suitable for UK / US / Canadian and Australian RDs?
How long does it take to complete the course?
What if I have question or need support?
The course is comprehensive and so you should not need further support. However, in the case that you do, we do offer professional mentoring sessions at an additional cost.
Is there a refund policy?
Unfortunately we do not offer a refund once you have purchased this course. However, if you are unhappy with your purchase for whatever reason then we are always happy to get feedback so we can continue to improve the content.
Further questions about the course?