VIP IBS Package | Clear Instructions & Path For You

The VIP Programme

Having IBS myself, I know how overwhelming and confusing it can be. You have probably already tried many things before and feel a little lost and alone right now.

Should you try probiotics, the low FODMAP diet, digestive enzymes, elimination diets? It is extremely confusing and can make you feel 
very alone.


The VIP Programme

My IBS VIP package is designed to take the stress out of the situation for you. I provide clarity, giving your clear pathway to follow.

All my advice is based on proven science and from seeing 1000’s of people just like you. A one size fits all approach does not work in irritable bowel syndrome, so this is not what you will receive.

Instead, your symptoms, medical history and lifestyle will be assessed and a dietary diagnosis provided. IBS is multi-factorial condition and so it important that we look at the whole picture and not just one element.

Kirsten talking to three women

After you have been fully assessed, a plan of action which will provided. This is a step by step plan that will be explained to you in detail and tailored to fit your lifestyle and needs. You will leave your first consultation with motivation and clarity.

Each plan takes on the ‘Take Control’ approach where we will be optimising mental wellbeing, sleep, movement and nutrition to allow you to manage your IBS for long-term relief.

I also feel that is important to be supported and guided through making changes. This is why this package is fully inclusive of email check ins each week to review your progress, keep you accountable, answer any questions you have and modify the plan as your symptoms change or if you are having difficulty implementing it.


The VIP Programme

  • The VIP IBS Programme is a 3 month process where we work together on a 121 basis, it includes;
    • 3 x 1 hour video consultations – 1 will be used as a kick off sesion
    • 3 x written reports (following each consultation)
    • Weekly email reviews between consultations – keeping your accountable and supported.
    • Specific diagnosis of your symptoms – specifying what type of IBS you have and what your main problem areas are.
    • Analysis and monitoring of your symptoms – using Kings College London proven tools
    • Low FODMAP Guides (if needed as not everyone needs this diet).
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The VIP programme timeline

This process is very much personalised to the individual so the exact timeline and what we do may not be identical to the below description, but the below provides a brief overview of what you
can expect.

  • Week 1 Initial assessment

    Initial 60 minute session where we will go through all your medical history, symptom patterns and what you may have tried already to understand what your digestive system needs. I will also assess how your lifestyle and mental health elements impact your gut and how we can build sustainable goals together to overcome any issues. You will need to fill out some forms prior to this session which include a 7 day diary so that I can make an accurate assessment that makes what we do much easier and effective.

  • Week 1-5

    You will need to keep a keep a food, mood, sleep, mental health and symptom diary which you will send to me each week for a weekly email assessment. In this assessment you can also send across any questions or concerns you may have so that you are fully supported. I will then use this information to assess what you gut is doing and what we need to modify going forward.

  • Week 5

    This is typically around the time we would have the second 60 minute consultation. By this point we should see quite significant progress. This session will be used to review symptoms before making a plan to focus on gut health improvement, now that symptoms are under control.

  • Week 5 – 10

    This part of the programme should be where we now have a really well settled gut and are focusing on sustainable changes within your lifestyle restrictions i.e. work / children etc. When you have uncontrolled digestive issues it is not possible to have a wide varied diet which is ironically needed for good gut health so once we have achieved this in stage one, we now focus on how to move things forward further to avoid flare ups in the future. If you are doing the low FODMAP diet process this is also the time that we would do the structured reintroduction to clearly identify and food intolerances. Again you will have weekly email reviews throughout.

  • Week 11-12

    During this time you would have you final assessment which pulls all the work together so that you have complete clarity over what has happened and also how you can now manage this condition on your own forever. You will feel empowered with all the tools needed to live a normal life.

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