Take Control of Your IBS Online Course | Expert IBS Management with The IBS Dietitian

The Take Control Course

A 12-week programme to find the real cause of your symptoms so that you can live life without the anxiety of what your gut may or may not do.

Imagine if your life looked like this just 12 weeks from now.

  • You can wear the clothes you love without the risk of not fitting into them by lunch time.
  • You LOVE eating out and don’t have to worry about the impact on your gut.
  • You have found out that your IBS was actually SIBO and have successfully treated it. You know how to optimise your gut health and do this with confidence.
  • You are not alone. You have the tools to manage your health in the long-term and are supported by a community of people just like you.

Overcoming IBS symptoms isn’t only about what you eat. You likely already have a huge list of foods you “can’t” eat but you’re still seeing little to no change in your symptoms.

You may feel like you’ve done everything possible to get on top of your symptoms but in reality, you’ve only scratched the surface. You didn’t have targeted support to address your specific triggers, which is why you’re still feeling just as lost, frustrated and uncomfortable as before.

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And no you don’t need to worry about this…

‘I don’t know if I have IBS’ … the course provides a detailed overview on IBS diagnosis which includes a downloadable doctors letter.

‘I don’t know if now is the right time’ … when will be the right time? There is never going to be a ‘perfect’ time for you to resolve your IBS issues and you need to learn how to control your symptoms in your normal day to day life.

‘I don’t know if I want to spend the money’… this depends on what value you place on resolving your IBS? What impact would it make for you? If this is minimal then that is fair enough but if resolving your IBS is going to improve things a lot for your or even be life changing then consider what value that brings to you?

woman out to eat with friends

Nice to meet you!

I’m Kirsten and it wasn’t that long ago that I was exactly where you are. In my early 20’s, I suffered from chronic bloating and fatigue, which was dismissed by countless doctors as “just stress”.

Rather than give up and accept that this was how life was going to be, I became fascinated by the link between nutrition and the body. I even studied dietetics so I could use my professional knowledge to question what I’d been told.

Eventually, I got proper testing and found that IBS wasn’t the culprit. This is where the Take Control Programme evolved from. I was able to apply the science of sleep, movement, mental health and nutrition to empower myself about my symptoms. I know what works (and what doesn’t!).

Now that I’m in control of my symptoms, I want to help you to do the same. I’ll teach you how to pinpoint your IBS triggers and reduce your gut sensitivity.


What my students say

The Take Control programme has been running for 4 years now and helped 100’s of people like you.

Here are just a few of them: 

I signed up for the Take Control programme three months ago and it has been the best thing I have done to help understand and manage my IBS. I have been constipated pretty much all my life (I’m 56 so that’s an awful long time) and was diagnosed with IBS in my early twenties.The Take Control programme has helped me understand why my gut behaves in the way it does and make changes to my lifestyle and diet to reduce symptoms and manage flare ups better.

Angela Smith

Take Control Course

The Dietitian’s IBS Course

Inside the course

This Programme Is For You If:

  • You are fed up with looking 6 months pregnant and having to wear baggy clothes or undo your trouser button by midday to relieve your discomfort.
  • You have anxiety around eating out and envy that other people get to enjoy the experience whilst you stress about how your gut will react.
  • You have been diagnosed with IBS but are scared it is something more serious, especially as you have tried the low FODMAP diet and probiotics without success
  • You feel alone and unsupported even though you have an IBS diagnosis as no-one has helped you feel better.

This Programme Is For You If:

  • You’re expecting an overnight miracle to overcome your digestive issues. The programme isn’t a quick fix solution. We’re improving your gut health and making sure your body behaves differently in the future. This takes time but you can still expect to see significant improvements in your symptoms by the time you finish the programme.

Isn’t It Time To Start Enjoying Life Again Rather

Than Being Controlled By Your Gut?

Let’s Make It Happen!

Take Control 2.0 contains step-by-step instructions for you to gain clarity and relief from your symptoms.

  • Weekly group video consultations with Kirsten.
  • Step by step online video tutorials on how to achieve a healthier gut.
  • Step by step low FODMAP diet process to identify specific FODMAP triggers.
  • Step by step SIBO protocol  for getting diagnosed and treated.
  • Step by step histamine intolerance protocol for getting diagnosed and treated.
  • Access to a private community support group.
  • Weekly goal setting and positive reflections.
take control

By the end of this program, you’ll:

  • Feel clear and confident about managing your personal triggers for your symptoms
  • Be on the path to having a less sensitive gut that can tolerate a wider range of foods and doesn’t leave you chained to the nearest toilet
  • Be able to start enjoying life again now that your gut isn’t calling the shots

How It Works

  1. 1

    Get clarity on the personal triggers behind your symptoms and whether SIBO or histamine intolerance is the 
true culprit.

  2. 2

    Get to know how your condition 
affects your body (this can be incredibly personal to you and there’s no 

  3. 3

    Reduce your gut sensitivity so you know what to eat to support your wellbeing without triggering symptoms.

Whats the investment?

Pay in full


Pay in full

Payment Plan

£167 ($219) / month for 3 months

Payment Plan

Here’s A Sneak Peek Of What We’ll Cover

  • Week 1

    Gut Health Foundations

    • Targeting the gut-brain axis through stress management and sleep optimisation.
    • Learn how to add fibre to your diet without the bloat.
    • Manage constipation – if required.
    • Ensure baseline testing has been done.
    • Learn how to incorporate gut-friendly exercise to your routine.
    • Start to accurately monitor and track symptoms.
    • Avoid common triggers.
    • Learn about gut-friendly eating patterns.
  • Week 2-3

    The Low FODMAP Diet

    • Reduction of fermentable carbohydrates.
    • Ensuring your diet is not low in key micronutrients.
    • Special section for vegans
  • Week 4-10

    Pivot or Stay

    • Assess symptoms in detail if no improvements then move to either the SIBO or histamine intolerance protocols.
    • If improvements seen, then stick to the low FODMAP process and complete reintroduction to pin-point triggers.
  • Week 10-12

    Long-Term Gut Health

    • Learning how to reintroduce foods again as your tolerance improves.
    • How to use digestive enzymes to help you manage your intolerances.
    • Homing in your lifestyle skills
    • Creating a diet which ensure diversity in your microbiome.


  • What if I have already tried the low FODMAP diet?

    If you are reading this then it is likely the low FODMAP diet did not work for you. There are a number of reasons for this but mostly it comes down to 1/ You were not doing it correctly 2/ You forgot to address the other factors of gut health i.e. fibre, fluid, sleep etc or 3/ You have SIBO or a histamine intolerance which we cover in this programme. Most people who join the programme already feel like they have ‘tried it all before’ and are joining because they do not know what to do next.

  • Do I need to have an IBS diagnosis first?

    No! The programme includes a lesson on getting an accurate diagnosis, including a PDF doctors letter from Kirsten which you can take to your doctor. This outlines the tests required (incase you have not had them) as per UK medical guidelines.

    Whilst waiting for your tests, you can still start the program.

  • How is the course different from your book?

    Firstly, thank you if you bought my book – your support means the world to me! The book is a very comprehensive guide to IBS – it covers every element that ever did exist on the topic. So it is a fantastic way to learn about IBS and if you prefer this method then it could be a good option. But a course is giving you a more streamlined approach and it holds your hand through the process – so you get direct access to ask me questions and troubleshoot with me along the way. It is also a good way to get that accountability that you need!

  • Can I access this anywhere?

    Yes! It is all online and can be accessed from a PC, laptop, smart phone or tablet.

  • Do I get access to a dietitian?

    Yes! Regardless of which option you select. If you have the basic package then you will get access to a dietitian in the community group, the standard package gives you this + access on the live group calls and finally the VIP package gives you all of this AND the ability to submit a weekly diary.

  • What if I can not make the live workshops and calls?

    You will have the opportunity to email your questions ahead of time. The video call is then recorded and will be put up on your course platform within 24 hours.

  • How long does it take to complete?

    12 -16 weeks depending on your own pace (but we recently added lifetime access to the online recorded lessons incase you wish to do it at a slower pace).

  • What if it doesn't work?

    This is likely the biggest question that will be in your head right now. This programme should work for most people unless you have a severe mental health condition in which case you need input from a trained psychologist alongside dietary and lifestyle changes.

    The reason we can be so confident is that you will be guided through baseline testing with your doctor that would rule out other health conditions so that really narrows it down. This programme targets gut health from every angle (unlike other programmes which only look at the low FODMAP diet).

  • What if I don't have a lot of time?

    No one has a lot of time on their hands! This is part of the issue ha! But, jokes aside, the programme is designed to fit into any lifestyle. Each lesson is around 10 minutes long and asks you to set small, manageable goals each week. So no huge lifestyle overturn. You will also now get lifetime access to the content should you need to go at a slower pace.

  • Is there anyone who should not join the programme?

    Those with the following health conditions should not join the programme as you will need a 121 approach: eating disorders, pregnant women and those under the age of 16.

  • Is the programme refundable?

    If you sign up to the program I will offer a ‘no-results’ refund – this means that in the unlikely case that the programme did not work for you I will refund your money. However to keep this a fair deal, please note that this is based on you providing evidence that you have followed the advice provided – for example: keeping diaries, attending the calls or submitting questions in the community group and of course actually watching the group course content.