Take Control of Your IBS Book | The IBS Dietitian

Take Control of your IBS: 
The step-by-step guide that
 actually works

If you have bought IBS books before and thought that they only tell part of the story, you would be correct. Sure, there are many good low FODMAP diet books and recipe books but food is only part of the answer.

There are also some books out there written by doctors but these are out of date and doctors are not trained in lifestyle or dietary medical management so the information is not overly useful.

This is what drove me to write the go to book for people with IBS and in April 2024 my book ‘Take Control of Your IBS – a step by step guide that actually works’ was published by Bloomsbury (the people who published Harry Potter!).

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The title – Take Control comes from the book contents which do exactly that – control your IBS and therefore take back control over your life. The ‘a step by step guide’ comes from the fact that we are often bombarded with information but rarely does someone actually show us how to put it together in a step by step way.

And the ‘that actually works’ is because when you have IBS you will have been promised many times that the new thing you are trying will be the one to work and really by this stage you may be a little skeptical.

But I have never seen someone trial my Take Control method before and not see significant relief.

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The book goes into great depth around the 4 pillars 
of IBS;

  • Movement
  • Sleep
  • Mental health
  • Nutrition

Yes it covers the low FODMAP diet process also but this is only one piece of the IBS puzzle.

My personal favorite section in the book is ‘When Life Happens’ which is where you are able to take the science you will have already learnt about your IBS in the book and modify it depending on what is going on, for example are you traveling or is it a festive period – situations which disrupt your routines.

You can purchase the book in most bookstores in the UK, US and Australia.

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Take control of your IBS book

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