10 Things To Do Before Starting The low FODMAP Diet

10 Things To Do Before Starting The Low FODMAP Diet

  • Low FODMAP diet

By Kirsten Jackson

This article is for those of you who are about to start the low FODMAP diet and need some guidance before you get started.

First things first don’t start it straight away. This may sound like a strange suggestion as you will probably feel quite motivated to make the changes in order to see an improvement in your symptoms as soon as possible. But you need to be prepared!

Try out these tips to make sure you are organised to ensure your success.

Low FODMAP planning

1. Dietitian

Before you even think about starting, make sure you are being guided by a health care professional with experience and expert knowledge of the low FODMAP diet.

2. Make Sure You Understand FODMAPs

It is so important that you understand your condition and the reasoning for the diet. Ask your dietitian for trustworthy links and resources on understanding how the low FODMAP diet works. This article from the blog will be a good place to start, click here to read on.

3. Decide When You Are Going To Start

Give yourself enough time to get organised so that once you start it you are organised and prepared.

4. Download the Kings low FODMAP app

It will be extremely useful for you as you plan to start the low FODMAP diet. The app also allows you to scan foods in the supermarket rather than taking long lists with you.

5. Write A Shopping List

Before You Go Shopping For your low FODMAP ingredients write a shopping list. It may be useful for you to plan all your meals out for the next week as you will need to be prepared.

6. Take a Low FODMAP Packed Lunch!

Especially initially while you are getting used to the foods that you can have, it may be tricky to find convenience foods in the canteen or local shop at work which means you might either have to have a meal high in FODMAPs or go hungry. Both of which are not good options. We have some great packed lunch recipes on the blog, click here for more information.

7. Experiment With Some Low FODMAP Recipes

You may find it useful to have a go at making some low FODMAP meals before you get properly started in order to get used to the ingredients you can and can’t have. For more recipe inspirations click here.

8. Think About Social Events 

Being on the low FODMAP diet doesn’t mean that you can’t go out for dinner, it just means that you need to be organised and plan in advance. You can look up menus in advance or contact restaurants so that you feel comfortable and relaxed eating out.

9. Be Positive

Don’t just think about the foods that you can’t have, think about the foods that you can incorporate into your diet and think of meals based on these. For some easy swap ideas, click here.

10. Look at resources online

(As long as you make sure they are evidence based and trusted sources) – You may find it useful to read trusted blog posts of other people that have followed the low FODMAP diet or are sharing useful tips and recipes.

Resources that we love and trust are;

Article written by Associate Specialist Dietitian Bethany Florey.

Edited by Dietitian Kirsten Jackson.

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