Are Raisins Low FODMAP? Covering all forms of raisins - THE IBS DIETITIAN

Are Raisins Low FODMAP? Covering all forms of raisins

  • Low FODMAP diet

By Kirsten Jackson

Raisins are an easy store cupboard snack to reach for. You can make up a large part of cereals, mueslis and snack bars.

Dried fruit like raisins can contain FODMAPs though, which may worsen symptoms in some people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

This article outlines whether you can eat them on the restriction phase of the low FODMAP diet. It will also discuss portion sizes.

are raisins low fodmap

Are raisins low FODMAP?

Raisins are classed as low FODMAP, though the serving size is quite small at 13 grams (about 1 tablespoon). This is because raisins are high in fructans (1).

1.5 tablespoons of raisins would be classed as moderately high in FODMAPs, an amber serve. They should be limited on a low FODMAP diet.

The good news is that this doesn’t mean you have to eliminate raisins from your diet completely if you’re following a low FODMAP diet. 

Many individuals with IBS can tolerate small portions of raisins without experiencing symptoms. 

As this serving size of raisins is relatively small on its own though. You may want to try adding them to your low FODMAP cereal, porridge or other foods.

Is raisin toast or raisin bread low FODMAP?

Unfortunately raisin bread or raisin toast is not low FODMAP in a regular portion size. Even a single slice is high in the FODMAP fructose (1).

Is raisin bran cereal low FODMAP?

Raisin bran cereal is usually made up of a mix of wheat bran flakes and raisins. Both are classed as high in FODMAPs in a regular serving amount. 

Monash lists a small amount (16g – or 1/4 cup) of wheat bran cereal as being high in the FODMAPs fructans and galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) (1). 

Adding raisins to this would only increase the FODMAP content. Therefore it’s best to avoid it on a low FODMAP diet.

Are chocolate or yoghurt covered raisins low FODMAP? 

Chocolate raisins and yoghurt covered raisins will contain the same FODMAPs as plain raisins and they may also contain the FODMAP lactose from the coating.

However, the lactose content of chocolate or yoghurt covered raisins would be very little given that it is only a coating.

Therefore, we recommend that you stick with the general allowed portion size for raisins and not worry about the miniscule lactose content.

Are golden raisins low FODMAP?

Golden raisins are actually the same as sultanas. They fall into the same FODMAP category as sultanas; around 2 teaspoons per meal is classed as low FODMAP by Monash (1). 

Therefore, though golden raisins can be classed as low FODMAP, the serving size is still very small.

Are cereal bars and energy bars with raisins low FODMAP? 

Cereal bars and energy bars come in various flavors and formulations, including those featuring raisins, and so their FODMAP content varies widely depending on their ingredients. 

The Monash app lists energy bars that are muesli, wheat or peanut based as high in fructans in a single bar serving (1).

Check the ingredients list to see if the bar contains any high FODMAP ingredients such as other dried fruits, wheat or honey. 

Some brands such as FODY and Rachel Paul’s make their own low FODMAP cereal bars which you can find.

You could also consider making your own bars. This gives you full control over the ingredients and allows you to create a low FODMAP-friendly option tailored to your preferences.

We have a fantastic recipe for low FODMAP blueberry cereal bars.

You can find out more about shop-bought snacks and cereal bars in our other article ‘35-low FODMAP snacks.’

Which dried fruits are low FODMAP?

Lots of dried fruits are high in FODMAPs. This is due to the process of drying them means that they become quite concentrated sources of fibre and fruit sugars – which are potential FODMAPs. 

This also means that it’s quite easy to eat larger portions of them than you would if they were fresh. 

Some other dried fruits which are low in FODMAPs in smaller portions include: dried dates, cranberries, goji berries and sultanas. 

Banana chips are low in FODMAPs in a slightly larger serving than most other dried fruits – 30g – or around 15 chips, according to Monash (1). 

If you’re looking at ways to incorporate more fruit in your diet – have a look at our article on low FODMAP fruit to find out more information, including recipes.

Summary – are raisins low FODMAP?

Yes – small portions of raisins are low FODMAP. 

The key to incorporating raisins and raisin-based products into your low FODMAP diet lies in understanding the FODMAP content using your app and paying attention to portion sizes.

When you begin reintroducing foods on the low FODMAP diet, you may find that you can tolerate larger amounts of raisins and other dried fruits.

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