Are strawberries low FODMAP or high FODMAP? - THE IBS DIETITIAN

Are strawberries low FODMAP or high FODMAP?

  • Low FODMAP diet

By Kirsten Jackson

Are you wondering “are strawberries low FODMAP?”, then this article is for you! 

When it comes to the low FODMAP diet, choosing the right fruits can sometimes be tough. Your favourite fruits also may not be suitable for the elimination phase of the low FODMAP diet, so you will need to find some alternatives. 

In this article, we will discuss if strawberries are low FODMAP and other products that include strawberries e.g. jam, the health benefits of strawberries, and we will include some tasty recipes to give you some cooking inspiration.

are strawberries low FODMAP?

Are strawberries low FODMAP? 

Monash University recommends a serving of 65 g (or 5 medium) strawberries as low FODMAP (1). 

Larger servings over 100 g (or 9 medium) of strawberries contain high amounts of fructose and may cause IBS symptoms (1). 
Remember, different levels of ripeness and source of origin can affect FODMAP content (2). 

Why did the strawberry low FODMAP allowance recently change? 

Monash now recommends enjoying a small serving of strawberries in the restriction phase of the low FODMAP diet (3). Strawberries have changed from a fruit low in FODMAPs to a fruit that has low, moderate and high FODMAP serving sizes (3). 

The way strawberries are grown and stored can have an impact on the FODMAP content. Strawberries grown in one part of the country could be lower in FODMAPs, compared to ones that are grown in a different area (3).  

The ripeness of strawberries can also affect FODMAP levels. It is known that as the fruit ripens, fructose levels can increase, so as strawberries become high FODMAP for fructose this could be a contributing factor (3).

However, if you already had strawberries in your diet before and managed to tolerate them well, you can keep enjoying them as usual.

Is strawberry jam low FODMAP? 

Strawberry jam with no high fructose corn syrup can be consumed on a low FODMAP diet in servings of about 2 tablespoons (40 grams) without triggering IBS symptoms (3). 

You can consume strawberry jam made with high fructose corn syrup up to ½ tablespoon or 10g (3).

“Sugar-free” jams may contain artificial sweeteners such as sorbitol, mannitol, maltitol, xylitol or isomalt which are high in FODMAPs (4). Remember to always read the label.
Click here to read more about which sweeteners are low FODMAP.

Is strawberry jello low FODMAP?

According to the Monash University, instant strawberry jello can be consumed on a FODMAP diet with a serving size of one cup (5). 

However, remember to check the ingredients for any high FODMAP ingredients.

Are dried strawberries low FODMAP?

Dried and fresh strawberries significantly differ in the FODMAP contents (6). 

Dried fruits are naturally higher in fructose because of the way they are prepared. The dehydration of fruits removes the water and concentrates sugars (fructose) (6). 
Dried strawberries are considered a low FODMAP food if consumed at a 5 g serving size. Higher servings can contain excess fructose and may not be tolerated by people with IBS (7).

Health benefits of strawberries

Strawberries are a great source of nutrition and are low in calories. 

Particularly rich in fibre, vitamin C and potassium, strawberries can support heart health and reduce the risk of cancer (8). 
Among fruits, strawberries also contain one of the highest amounts of folate  (43 μg per 100 g fresh fruit) (9).

Low FODMAP strawberry recipes

If you like strawberries and are always looking for creative ways to add them into your diet, here is a list of low FODMAP strawberry recipes to give you some ideas:

  1. Strawberry & Chia Pudding 
  2. Tropical Millet Porridge Recipe
  3. Strawberry Bread 
  4. Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble
  5. Strawberry Smoothie
  6. Mini strawberry cheesecakes
  7. Strawberry Spread
  8. Strawberry Shortcakes

What other fruits are low FODMAP?

If strawberries even in small quantities cause IBS symptoms, there are plenty of other fruits for you to enjoy. Low FODMAP fruits are: 

  • Kiwis
  • Unripe bananas
  • Oranges 
  • Lemons 
  • Limes 

Click here to read more about low FODMAP fruits.


Strawberries are nutritious and low FODMAP, so they are safe to eat if you are following a low FODMAP diet. 

Alternatively, if you do not like strawberries or they cause you symptoms, there is a wide variety of other low FODMAP fruits that you can choose from instead. 

For cooking inspiration, use the recipes linked above to help you get creative in the kitchen and to create some delicious, healthy snacks and meals.

Written by Anastasija Gorbatenko, reviewed by Serena Bansal Registered Dietitian BSc Hons and Kirsten Jackson Consultant Dietitian BSc Hons, RD, PG Cert

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